To Cut Your Demin Jacket Collar Off Or Leave It On

I wear a lot of shirts and shirt dresses so often having a collar on my denim jackets creates a double collar look for me and my personal style.

Of course, I always wear my shirt collars on the inside of my jackets (lesson from last week's email) but it still gives a double collar effect.

So guess what I do?

I just cut it off. I cut close to the seam line stitching and leave a bit of a raw edge (I suit texture best over smooth so this works well for me).

And have a look at the difference! 

A denim jacket is masculine to begin with so removing the collar balances it more into both masculine and feminine. 

Just because something is made a certain way doesn't mean you can't change it to suit you. 

Check out my blog post here on how I cut rips into my jeans. You are the Boss In Your Wardrobe!

To your wardrobe success, 


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