Do You Say Nay To Crochet Today

It can feel difficult to jump on a trend that you have worn in the past but trends are what keep us inspired and having fun in our wardrobes.

Of course, we don't have to buy into them, Most of us have these items already in our wardrobes, we just need the "current trend" forecast to inspire us to create brand-new outfits. 

Crochet throws a high-quality retro vibe with a boho aesthetic and sits back nicely with ripped and distressed denim. Wide-leg pants and jeans are an easy match for the 70s vibe. Add a pair of platform wedges to finish the look. 

The modern edge of my outfit above is the collarless shirt peeking out above and below the crochet. When we re-wear old trends, it's always nice to add a new spin or let's say "a modern twist". 

A collared crinkled white shirt worn with distressed denim jeans hits that relaxed beachside vibe. I'm making sure I still frame my outfit with my black platform wedges and my black sequin sneakers add another li

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Shorts and the Colours to Collect in your Wardrobe for the Warmer Weather

Building that perfect warm-weather wardrobe is all about making sure you own a variety of colours that not only work with you but also work back with each other.

This is when my light, Dark, colour and a print theory really comes into play. 

The photos above show an example of light shorts, dark shorts, a colour (my eye colour) and a print pair (strawberry pinstripe). Note that every outfit has a light, a dark, a colour and a print with my hair being the dark in the first outfit (yes, you can include your hair).

When I wear my pink skin colour, I like to have a self-detail or print so that I don't appear naked from a distance (try to keep this in mind when you are buying your active wear).

The print in your outfit can be details like the edging on my off-the-shoulder tops or the extra sewn seams on my pockets and the top in my first photo.

Keeping this in mind every time you get dressed really does make it easy

And If you don't love wearing s

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Dressing For An Event

During our Annual Boss Babes catch-up on Saturday night, we celebrated the 9th anniversary of our Boss program with almost 200 of the 2,000 Boss Babes in attendance.

Photo credit: Clarity Liu Photography

The Boss Babes came from all over Australia and New Zealand to attend the celebration. We also have Boss program Members from all over the world who we hope will join us someday. Even our children joined us to celebrate.


Indi_Klosette (Chase 24), Tenley 20 and Indy 21

My Boss in your wardrobe program is way more than just learning how to build, love and sustain the perfect wardrobe, it also comes with a beautiful group of women that encourage and inspire each other every day. 

Imagine being part of a vibrant and empowering community who motivate you to be the best version of yourself. That's exactly what My Boss in Your Wardrobe program offers. Apart from learning a complete wardrobe plan, you

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Its Time To Talk Street Sneakers

The science behind your style is all about the personal preference you have when wearing certain items in your wardrobe. 

Each additional item you purchase should not only match your existing wardrobe but also be cohesive with you.

This is how you build the perfect wardrobe. 

Let's examine the reasoning behind each of my street sneaker choices in the outfits below.

First outfit: Camel is a perfect colour pairing for black and also crisp white. I felt that my first outfit needed both a light and a print along with a dark so the multi black and white street sneakers are spot on. 

Second outfit: The subtle tie dye print track suit had me wanting to carry on a subtle print into my shoes by way of my shoe laces and when I added the more formal blazer, the casual lace up street sneakers made perfect sense. 

Third outfit: My chambray ruffle shirt is acting as a strong feature print and my dark denim trench is the dark so I felt that I wanted a very plain, n

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To Cut Your Demin Jacket Collar Off Or Leave It On

I wear a lot of shirts and shirt dresses so often having a collar on my denim jackets creates a double collar look for me and my personal style.

Of course, I always wear my shirt collars on the inside of my jackets (lesson from last week's email) but it still gives a double collar effect.

So guess what I do?

I just cut it off. I cut close to the seam line stitching and leave a bit of a raw edge (I suit texture best over smooth so this works well for me).

And have a look at the difference! 

A denim jacket is masculine to begin with so removing the collar balances it more into both masculine and feminine. 

Just because something is made a certain way doesn't mean you can't change it to suit you. 

Check out my blog post here on how I cut rips into my jeans. You are the Boss In Your Wardrobe!

To your wardrobe success, 


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