Change Of Lifestyle


It's been weeks (or even months) since you finished "that job" and life is so different for you now.

You walk into your wardrobe going "oh my gosh! How can I wear my two day jeans and top uniform every day of the week and still feel super stylish or at least somewhat inspired about it?"

The truth is... you can't.

You really just can't.

When my small one on one business became a Company online and I didn't have to actually go anywhere anymore or see anyone - trackies and thongs became my staples.

My wardrobe and dressing style changed Dramatically! I fell into a bit of a rut.

Even though I was in fact "the guru" on Personal style (I created my own systems) and the colour expert globally.

I stopped getting dressed for the day. I stopped getting dressed for the world! but most of all - I stopped spending the time I used to take out of the day just for me.

I did actually think to myself "Is this what retirement is like?".

Stuff that!

I'm going to be super hot and super stylish all of my...

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