Learn how to style your home like a professional

home styling style Sep 01, 2022
  • Styling Your Bedroom — This is one of the most essential parts of your home, as you spend a third of your life in it. Even if you pay much less than that, make every hour and minute count by creating a calming sanctuary that'll leave you feeling refreshed each morning.

First of all, yes the number one tip! Do not buy your bed and bedside tables as a matching set.


Image credit: My furniture store

A balanced and visually pleasing room needs a variation of light to dark, wood to fabric, layers, straight to curves and shiny to texture. In other words, avoid 'matchy-matchy'.


Image credit: Snooze

Second, when it comes to correct bedside height. Your bedside table top should be level with the top of your mattress (or as close to as possible).

When buying your bedsides separately from your bed, (always buy your bed first), measure from the floor to the top of your mattress to consider the correct bedside table height.

Next. Consider the scale of...
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