Have You Forgotten What You Wore Last Spring

I understand how disheartening it can be to feel like you've lost your fashion sense with the change of Season.

Building a wardrobe that complements your unique features (complexion,  and body shape) plus personal style can feel like a daunting task.

It's not uncommon to feel overwhelmed or discouraged when your wardrobe doesn't seem to align with the latest trends or make you feel confident in your appearance.

However, there is a solution that can help you regain your confidence: planning your outfits for the upcoming season using the clothes you already own.

This approach is not only practical but also cost-effective. It allows you to make the most out of your current wardrobe while still keeping up with the latest trends.

Trends keep us inspired and make fashion fun but we don't have to buy into them.

Looking at the trends will have us wearing our own clothes in brand-new and inspiring ways.

Start with your basics.

Blazers are back in big time (you already have...

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