Creating your ideal, effortless wardrobe is simple.


If you hold the mood boards up under your chin, you should be able to tell which one suits you the best out of the four colour types in
Nat's Boss System: Eyes (cool blue skin), Hair (cool pink skin), Creative (warm orange skin) or Vibrant (warm peach skin). 

Play the video to learn more.

The colour mood boards are just $12 AUD (including shipping and handling — worldwide).

Get the Mood Boards

In my simplified system - each mood board gives your wardrobe a theme, a central focus: what best suits you. It all starts with the colours of YOU. This knowledge minimises a wardrobe to half its size, while maximising style — giving you more outfits than there are days in the year.




Would you like to add my best selling ebook - Brilliant Colour Combination along with the mood boards? 

While you’re eagerly waiting for your mood boards to arrive, here’s a fun and insightful activity to get started: Dive into the Coco eBook and explore the four skin tone pages: page 65 - Blush Pink, page 29 - Soft Blue, page 53 - Soft Peach and page 61- Orange.

Take a look at your wardrobe and see if you already own any pieces in the colours that align with these tones. As you do, note which skin tone page seems to resonate most with what you naturally gravitate towards. 
This little exercise will give you an exciting head start! By the time your mood boards arrive, you’ll already have a sense of what suits you naturally.

Then, the real magic begins: hold each mood board against your current wardrobe to double-check the theme, and finally, the ultimate test—hold them under your chin in front of the mirror. That’s when your true skin tone will reveal itself, like a lightbulb moment of clarity!

It’s all about eliminating what doesn’t work to uncover your best colours, and I promise it’s worth every step. Enjoy the process!


What's in the bundle:

  • 4 x mood boards on high-quality colour boards delivered to your doorstep
  • Brilliant Colour Combinations eBook - instant download