What’s Your Best Orange To Wear?

Uncategorized Mar 27, 2023

Do you have a favourite shade of orange you like to wear?

Apricot is one of mine.

My cool pink skin suits 5 shades of orange but it's important that we not only create the perfect wardrobe that suits our skin tone, but everything we own should also go back together.

Blue skin babes only have one form of orange that suits them the best while our peach skin babes have 8 and orange skin babes have 12!

This is where my Brilliant colour combinations e book is so important.

I know that my apricot tops will work back beautifully with my dark denim jeans and black and white print shoes.


You see, colour is the foundation of the perfect wardrobe.

As you’ve already learned, we can manipulate shapes, silhouettes, and proportions.

But the one thing that’s a little harder to get right is colour!

In fact, this is one of the main reasons why I created my brilliant colour combinations e book and the colour type mood boards in the first place … as they work together to let you begin with your skin colour and then only buy items that work back with that.


I’ve learned that the secret to taking control of your wardrobe is to have a plan. 

And where do we get started in our planning?


Your dream wardrobe starts with the colour of your skin.

Your skin holds the key to what colours are going to make you look amazing. You might already know one or two.

Your wardrobe should be filled with a beautiful range of colours that both suit you and look good together!


My Ultimate Core Wardrobe Quickstart kit includes my Brilliant colour combinations e book PLUS my colour type mood boards PLUS How to pack PLUS my 7 x 7 style staple wardrobe planner PLUS my Core Wardrobe Foundation Handbook.

This is a curated bundle that will get you successful results in your wardrobe straight away!



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