What is Marle Fabric

Uncategorized Jun 16, 2023

Do you know what Marle is? 

 Marle is a colour effect found in fabrics.

It is made by combining two (or more) different coloured yarns in one thread which is then used to construct the fabric.

Marle can be worn by everyone with no problems, but you may find that you need to wear it differently from others.

Have you ever thought about that?

Below is an example of how I wear marle the best - against other lumpy bumpy textured fabrics.

But some of you wear it back best back with shiny fabrics as in a smooth and textured outfit pairing. 

Do you know which one you are?

The best way to tell is to go to your wardrobe and find a marle top, first put in on with a textured jacket, then try it with a smooth jacket.

I promise you will see it!

Once you work this out, your wardrobe becomes stacks more fun as you will be combining your pieces with a definite plan.

And you know how much I love a plan!

To your wardrobe success,


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