What Contrasts Do You Tend To Wear

Uncategorized Oct 04, 2023

Of course, you have a naturally born contrast level that suits you the best but it's important that your personality comes into play here too.

High Contrast: Consists of black to white within your outfit but navy to white is also considered high contrast. If you suit high contrast (or love wearing high contrast), your best shoe colours to collect are a colour you are not wearing in your outfit (it's important not to repeat a colour again on your feet), gold (to contrast your cool colours) or a tan (light tan if you wear mainly dark bottoms and a dark tan if you wear mainly light bottoms).

Medium Contrast: Is white (or all forms of off-whites) and a colour worn together. A dark shoe (in either black or darkest tan) will work hardest in your wardrobe to frame your medium contrast outfits. When you do pair a true off-white with navy within your outfit, this also takes your outfit down to medium contrast. This is when silver or bright white shoes become most useful. 

Low Contrast: Is colour paired with another colour within the outfit, whether they are dark colours or light colours. If you find that you mainly pair light colours together, your best shoe colours to collect are dark tan or black but if you mix it up with both light to dark colours too, white is perfect!

Creating your perfect wardrobe is all about discovering which of the above three contrast choices suits your skin tone the best (or which one suits your personality if you don't know the colour of your complexion).

Then only buy clothes according to how they work together in your wardrobe and on you. 


Let me show you how your contrast works when building your perfect wardrobe HERE

To your wardrobe success,


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