The colour red and why it is my choice in a scarf

Uncategorized Apr 16, 2021

Over time you begin to see certain patterns emerging in your wardrobe, your outfits and your shopping choices.

Seeing that my wardrobe consists of blue (contrasts my pink skin), green (my eye colour) and pink (my skin colour) plus off white and charcoal as my neutrals, it makes sense that my most highlighted scarf colour would involve red.

I also equal the amount of red scarves I own to how many I own in blue but my red scarves create the most impact against my cool toned clothes.


wearing a red scarf.png


Red loves to be worn with both blue and green as well as neutral tones which lets red do all of the work so it makes sense that red scarves in my wardrobe are a must.

Have you ever had a real hard look at the colours that mainly make up your wardrobe and which one colour that you don't own could create an impact in a scarf?

Learning what colours work best together without repeating the same colour makes your outfit really pop.

You can watch my how to tie a scarf video here :












Or you can join me right now in the Boss Course ===> HERE < ===

Either way, one of these options will in fact bring a huge smile to your face.

And that right there is all I could ever want.



The eBook that gives you the best colour pairings you’ve never thought possible - "Brilliant Colour Combinations".



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