How to wear a paper bag waist

Uncategorized Apr 23, 2021

Stress Less. Live more.


What is a paper bag waist?

A Paper bag waist is a scrunchy waist that reminds one of a paper bag surrounding a bottle or a bread stick after your hand has held it tightly on its trip home. They scrunch at the waist and are usually tied with soft fabric or more traditionally -  rope.

It's a classic style that never dates and can be kept forever but does come around as "a trend" piece every 3 years. 

The under 30's amongst us may like to wear theirs with a crop top or a bodysuit.

As a 47 year old, I love wearing mine with a long sleeve shirt, sloppy Joe, classic poncho or a loose tee or tank top tucked in.

The great thing about a paper bag waist is that you can buy one at 23 years of age and still wear the same item - only differently for the rest of your life. They are a true classic.



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